Physical Demand Analysis
Ergonomic Risk Analysis
Biomechanical Analysis
Forensic Analysis
Injury Causation
Human Error
Physiological Fatigue
Pogram Design & Implementation
Return-to-Work & Functional Testing
Expert Witness Services
Task Specific Stretching
Team Training & Mentoring
Ergonomic Risk Analysis
Physical Demand Analysis
Physical Demand Software
Employee Training
Office Ergonomics
BCPE Test Preporation
Online Training & Education Suite
Fields Of Expertise
Physical Demand Analysis
Return-to-Work Program Development
Task Specific Functional Testing
Ergonomic Program Implementation
Meat Processing
Food Service
Auto and Truck Manufacturing
Medical Device Manufacturing
Mail Processing & Delivery
Mark Heidebrecht, MSE, ACSM-EP, CHFP
Board Certified American College of Sports Medicine
Board Certified Human Factors Professional
Owner of ErgoMethods and managing partner of Ergo-Online and Ergonomics International.
Graduated with honors from the University of Kansas.
Presented to the National Academy of Science in Washington D.C. regarding the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions and the early identification of musculoskeletal disorders, and is listed as a contributor to the National Academy of Science publication Musculoskeletal Disorders and the Workplace.
Testified in over 75 State Court and United States Federal Court cases.
Presented testimony at the Federal OSHA hearing regarding the National Ergonomic Standard.
Over 20 years of experience working in the fields of ergonomics, biomechanics, human factors and work physiology and has been a trained WorkHab FCE provider since 1997.
Developed and instructed a preparatory course since 1998 for professionals pursuing certification by the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE).
Presented throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Developed and implemented the Ergonomic Risk Reduction Process for the Customer Service Division of the United States Postal Service.
Located in Kansas City and Kimberling City, MO, providing services world wide.
Ergonomic Questions?
I have been self-employed since 1998. I have grown my client base by providing expert services without nickel-and-diming my clients with consulting fees for questions and advice. I am happy to answer any questions you may have with no charge. You can reach me at 913-488-3127 or send me an email at I look forward to hearing from you.